January 21 |
Status on Pension Revision Based on information gathered from very reliable sources, it is learnt that Secy(T) has decided not to file an appeal against the Judgment of PB CAT ND. Instead, in principle, policy decision has been taken by DOT, in consultation with DOP & PW, to go ahead with the implementation of the Judgment of PB CAT ND With this pathbreaking decision of DOT to go ahead with implementation of Judgment of PB CAT, in consultation with DOP& PW, modalities for it's implementation would be worked out by DOT in consultation with DOP& PW. What is extremely significant is nodal Ministry, I.e DOP& PW giving it's nod to the decision of DOT to go ahead with the implementation of Judgment of PB CAT ND. After that the proposal has to go to the Department of Expendiure to give its concurrence with regard to Financial implications etc etc likely to be incurred by the exchequer. That is very crucial and decisive phase of the entire issue. With this extremely crucial decision of DOT, we are optimistic about resolution of the issue in not too distant a future. What remains to be seen is in what manner the decision to implement the Judgment of PB CAT ND will be taken. Other vital aspects of date of actual implementation in terms of monetary benefits etc will have to decided by Department of Expenditure. However, so far so good and Congrats.
January 16 |
CGHS Directorate OM dated 27-12-23 in respect of revised delegation of financial powers for permission / ex-post facto approval / settlement of medical reimbursement claims of individual beneficiaries / hospital bills in respect of unlisted treatment procedures / investigations / implants.
January 16 |
Notification for holding of 4th AGM of SNPWA Assam Circle is hereby issued.All the esteemed members are cordially requested to make themselves available for the Annual General Meeting on January 31, 2024 at BSNL Multipurpose Hall, Panbazar, Guwahati to make it a grand success.
January 03, 2024 |
DoP & PW OM reg allowing Female government servants / Female pensioner to nominate Child /Chidren for family pension in precedence to husband in the event of marital discord leading to filing of divorce proceedings in a Court of Law or filing of a case under Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act or Dowry Prohibition Act or Indian Penal Code, with detailed guidelines.
December 23 |
Deduction of Income Tax on Medical Reimbursement: Clarification issued by Principal Chief Commissioner of Income Tax, UP(East) on a RTI requisition vide reply dated 27.10.2023.
November 10 |
Compendium of Pension related Instructions of DoP & PW from Jan 2022 to Aug 2023
November 02 |
SNEA Special Meeting with Hon. Minister of Communications at Bhopal on 21-10-23
September 27 |
GS clarifies that there is absolutely no difference between post and pre 2017 retirees as far as application of Rule 37(A) of CCS Pension Rules 2021 is concerned.
September 25 |
Extracts of the Hon. PB CAT ND Judgment.
September 25 |
Heartiest Congratulations, Comrades the prayer obtained in our OA filed in PB CAT ND has been upheld by PB CAT New Delhi
August 26 |
Impressive demonstration held at Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi
Comrades joined together and staged a powerful demonstration before the Sanchar Bhawan resisting the police deployed there. Soon, hundreds of pensioners moved to Jantar Mantar in a procession. Comrades V A N Namboodiri, K G Jayaraj, G L Jogi, H F Chaudhari, M K Mudgal, D D Mistri and M R Das addressed hundreds of Comrades who came from almost all parts of the country with great commitment and determination to fight for the genuine cause. All the speakers delivered spirited and encouraging speeches and declared that Joint Forum will continue the fight until pension revision is achieved. Thereafter the police took the leaders in a vehicle to Sanchar Bhawan and the Joint Secretary received the memorandum.
August 15 |
Minutes of the CEC meeting held at Guwahati on Aug 10, 2023
August 04 |
Record of discussion on pension revision case in the pb cat New Delhi on 13/07/2023
July 28 |
Appeal from CS & President, SNPWA Assam
CS Com. A. Roy Prodhani and President Com. Shantanu Choudhury call upon all the members to participate in the Mass Dharna on July 31 at District HQs. and before CCA Office in support of our justified demand of Pension Revision with 15% fitment from 01-01-2017
July 27 |
Message from GS SNPWA
July 21 |
Status of Pension Revison OA filed by this Association along with other Associations in PB CAT ND
July 18 |
IDA Revision w.e.f 01-07-2023 - BSNL Cor. Off order
July 18 |
Income Tax Return (ITR) Due Date Extension AY 2023-24
The Government is not contemplating any extension of the due date of filing ITR for AY 2023-24 beyond July 31. File the ITR on time.
July 12 |
Discussion of the Circle leadership with CCA, Assam Officials on issues of concern of some members
The President, CS, and Treasurer visited CCA office on July 12, 2023 & taken up some issues of our members with the concerned officers of CCA Pension Cell. Click above for details.
July 11 |
Update on pension revision issue
The best part of yesterday's proceedings in PB CAT ND on the Pension Revision issue was broad disagreement of the Hon Bench ( even though not recorded) of the vehement argument advanced by U.O.I that Pension Revision is linked to Wage Revision, thus virtually vindicating the stand of this Association.
July 10 |
Status of Pension Revision case heard in Hon. PB CAT New Delhi
Detailed briefings by our lawyer on issue of Pension Revison in PB CAT ND on 10th July, 23.
July 03|
GS and GS/ MERWA, Com R.K.Mugal met Member ( Services)/ DOT to exactly and precisely know the reason for continuing stalemate on the issue of Pension Revision.
M( S) categorically stated that there is absolutely no other reason for delay in Pension Revision except that final discussion on fitment between top Establishment of DOT and MOC is somehow not taking place due to one reason or the other.
March 21 |
JF writes to Secretary (Telecom), Member (S) and Member (F) reg Pension Revision
As per the decision taken in the Joint Forum meeting held on 19-03-23 at New Delhi Joint forum of DoT / BSNL / MTNL Pensioners Associations writes to Secretary (Telecom), Member (S) and Member (F) regarding Pension Revision of BSNL/ MTNL absorbed pensioners from 01-01-2017 with 15% fitment recommended by 3rd PRC , delinking wage revision.
March 19 |
Joint Forum of Pensioners of DoT / BSNL/ MTNL at Delhi on 19-03-23
March 15 |
Meeting with Hon MoC regarding Pension Revision
January 18 |
Update on Pension Revision - Joint Forum Meeting on 18-01-23
A meeting of the following BSNL-MTNL Pensioners Associations was held online at 15.30hrs on 18-01-2023 to discuss about the issue of pension revision of BSNL-MTNL pensioners which is due from 01-01-2017.
January 25 |
Memorandum submitted to Hon MOC and Secy(T) by Joint Forum requesting 15% fitment on pension revision
January 17 |
Notification on the Annual General Meeting(AGM), 2022-23
January 16 |
Office Memorundum on Linking of CGHS Beneficiary ID with the ABHA
Must start a sustained and aggressive campaign to force the Govt. to reverse its diabolical decision fraught with disastrous consequences for CGHS beneficiaries.
January 16 |
Revaming and restructuring of CGHS - Proposal by Forum of IPS Pensioners
Memoranda submitted by IPS officers CGHS beneficiaries Association for revaming and restructuring of CGHS.
January 16 |
GS writes to the to new Director CGHS HQ Delhi
Letter addressed to new Director CGHS HQs Respected Madam Anjana Kumar. SNPWA CHQ wholeheartedly congratulates her on taking over a very significant and crucial position of Director CGHS HQs and also imploring upon her to acknowledge the Communications of the Association on various issues duly.
January 16 |
GS writes to new Director(F), in the matter of arbitrary deduction of Tax by Taxation Wing
Letter addressed to new Director ( F)/ BSNL Board seeking his intervention in the matter relating to arbitrary deduction of Tax by the Taxation Wing of BSNL for one-time payment by BSNL for migration to CGHS from BSNL MRS in contravention of settled Income Tax Provisions. Requesting an immediate meeting to discuss the issue in totality as directed by CMD/ BSNL.